Saturday, December 09, 2006

Robin Guthrie finishes Annie Barker album

"... I think it's fair to say that the first couple of songs we worked on together were the most difficult and after a point we seemed to find an energy which prevailed for the rest of the recordings. The songs just get better and better and now we have finished ten of them and it seems like a really rounded album, taking you on a journey around her mind, which seems to reach out and touch you and demand to be listened to. My role has been 'producer' although producer seems to mean a different thing for each session I do. Annie has written the songs. I've been playing guitar, bass, drums, whatever has been needed really. Annie has made two or three trips to France during this year to work with me and now we find ourselves with a finished album which I, for one, am really proud of..."

(Read more in Robin's blog)

You can listen to four of Annie's songs at her MySpace.



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